
2 weeks

"There are thoughts which are prayers. There are moments when, whatever the posture of the body, the soul is on its knees."
- Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

whew....2 weeks. just 2 weeks left. then i'll be home in charleston. done with summer school. praise the Lord.

time to burn that midnight candle. sleeping till 3 pm = doing work till dawn.


dear headache,
i can only pull on my hair for so long without thinking i am a crazed person. i have many things to do until 11:30 tmrw and id appreciate if you just disappeared?
ps- stop rejecting tylenol, just succumb to it, it will all be over soon...if you cooperate

dear throat,
you dont understand how ready i am for surgery on the 9th

dear fever,
im about to start hitting you back with a stick! motrin and i rather dislike your rollercoasterlike nature

dear school,
to heck with you

dear rob buckley,
call me!


good start

"I need your laugh, your heart full sighs"

this morning was pretty fun, rafted in the reflection pond...

except now im sick in bed. i want my mommy to come take care of me!!!

9:09 PM: aaaand i burnt my fingers making grilled cheese and tomato soup. hooray

11:18PM: got a papercut on one of my burnt fingers from my ochem notes

keep it comin! cant get me down!!!

"and sometimes crying can help you out.
Sing it aloud, Sing it aloud.
SCREAM, shred your lungs
i need to hear you louder now
and sing as if you'll never sing again
and when the morning comes
and your throat is sore
you'll face the day like you did before
with a smile on in the end

"If I should doubt my right to breathe
this air that rushes over me
I'll say "Im in love with you,
so I'll keep breathing
just so I can do
everything you need me to.
And I'm a slave for all of your antics.
I'm just a slave I'm such a romantic fool."


chris strikes again

the roomates are out gallivanting about anderson...

and i am sitting on my bed watching the storm... should've gone with them.

i want to feel like this:

"I thought the light raindrops would be refreshing. but then it picked up. and boy did it come down. and all i could do is stand in it and laugh. i laughed because i was a child playing in the rain. i was joy personified. i was invigorated. awakened. rejuvenated. i was soaked to my gutchies and i didn't care. i found something in that rain that i hadn't in a long time."--christopher joel onken



been doin work all day...finally got my crazy lab report done in the library, along with 7 single spaced typed pages of psych extra credit, now studying the ridiculous material from ochem lecture today and reading through pre-lab material. have yet to review for my upcoming quiz and exam...guess PCAT review will have to wait til the weekend. im contemplating asking my parents to come visit this weekend...i dunno if i can handle this!!! im feeling emtpy and drained.

sun's still shining, sun's still shining...just remember....i just wanna crawl into my bed

i love the view from our apt... otay. time to regroup and keep on keepin on. here i go.

pardon my negativity. it won't last, i promise...

"don't be that person pissed off and tortured all the time, think about being happy in the long run, every choice should lead to that, i see it in your eyes, refocus on what makes you happy"--random conversation with a physics grad student at clemson i have never met before till today while waiting for office hours. brilliant mind. could hardly keep up with him. but he seemed to sense what kind of conversation i needed. bless him.

oooh melissa just yelled that effron's on the ESPY's...must resist urge to go watch tv...or the urge to watch despicable me online...

dear world,

Do not, under any circumstances, bother me. Unless you are offering food. If you are dying then pop in for a quick hug and i love you then kindly die on your merry way.

all the best,

and no i am not stressed and freaking out. (fervently nods yes)


trick or treat!

im baaaaack! yea that hiatus was short lived eh? well this is a temp hiatus from my, er, hiatus...yea.

i just wanted to tell you my tip of the day: when shoving your pockets full of fortune cookies in a chinese restaurant, move slowly when exiting so as to reduce crinkle noise...

also, when reading all of your fortune cookies add "in bed" to the end of them...they are hilarious.
and also very wrong on several levels.
but hilarious all the same.

"there are like 10 fortunes! did you eat them?!?"
"i wanted them all to come true?"

ps....i want a minion!

it's tuesdee

did one of those numbers this morning where you wake up at 6 even though your alarm is supposed to go off at 7 and you just wanna sleep but instead you end up watching every minute go by. dismal.

so got out of bed this morning and started planning my week in my planner. i glanced at the month of july and nearly had a heart attack. soooo much in one month! so, in the spirit of new resolve (which will of course crumble to pieces by the end of the week) ive decided to cut back on blogging and other leisurely activities. like sleeping. so, goodbye and good luck!

for now



people are setting off fireworks at the pool...im kinda fearing for my life since my bed is right against my window (which faces the pool).


ps, i know im just re-discovering this but...one of my small group leaders, amber, had a lot of inciteful conversations with our small group this year...
"once boys hit junior year they start looking for the one, so it's really hard to find a guy who just wants to be friends. Most want more than that."- amber


vamos espana!

study, study, study, fike, study, SPAAAAIIIINNNNN, study study study....

ps, you know that old lookin bridge comin into clemson from anderson? well i learned yesterday that it's the only place in the world (well maybe that's changed now but it was in the guinness book of world records for a while) where a plane, a car, a train, and a boat can pass all at the same time. pretty cool, huh?


it's so fluffy im gunna die!

despicable me was so good! i wanna see it again! and my goal tonight, instead of studying organic, is to memorize the despicable me rap...and agnes' lullaby =]

and i love the music too! dance party in apt 733!!!! also, family pic! melissa is margo (glasses), melanie is edith (with the hat), and im...agnes clearly haha

and my new ringtone is totally unicorns i love them mix

agnes: "hey my caterpillar never changed into a butterfly"
edith: "that's a cheeto"
agnes: "oohh" ::chomp!::


i wanna be the one that puts it in a song

either your laptop is screwing up or you REALLY think this is adorable...

hey leah nicole burton, i miss your face...even though i never really showed that i liked it...

i miss our summer lists...among other things!

haha good times! and this fellah

also i went down memory lane and this game has been in conversation a lot recently

gosh this pic is old!

oh and rufus...i stumbled upon this again...and i need to visit you when you move to cola =]

mahal na mahal kita ading! and i saw the other video you put up, made me laugh


"hurry home! it's Jurassic friggin park outside!"- text from melanie

so me and Will went to go play tennis...but after witnessing debri fly everywhere and a tree branch fall we decided today is not the day to play tennis =(

so instead of losing calories, we gained some at triple t's. still a win?

well back to hittin the books! and maybe a break for the monsoon room?!?! mayhaps...we shall see how much i get done. but first, C.H. is over. and since i havent seen her in like oh a year, time to chill for a lil with her first =]

and check out katie queen's day: "11 hours, 5 salad dressings, 200+ lunch customers, 29 creme brulees, and 26 peach cobblers"

man....i dont wanna study...just wanna dance around to girl talk!

the easiest thing to do is to love the fact i have you

whoa....overdid it yesterday. sooo sore!

i actually like feeling sore...makes me feel like i did something!

man o man. i dont think you understand everything i have to do this weekend pertaining to school. but hopefully i can focus all of today and all of tmrw and take it a lil easy sunday. (although i prolly will end up leaving things to sunday hehe)

first thing to knock out is tomorrow's 8 o clock exam. 8 AM exam on a saturday. so cruel, no?
but as bad as that sounds i know there are worse things in this world haha. like clowns. ::shiver:: i had a slight mental breakdown last night but i think im ready to tackle it head on as of today.

yesterday i met a pretty ballin terminally ill kid at the bball courts at fike. he had a pretty big heart and the most honest eyes i've ever seen. and also yesterday i heard my lab partner's story about how just a year a go she was paralyzed in a wheel chair and now, beyond all odds, shes up and about and lovin life! it's awesome how excited she is about being able to move again. she had to relearn how to do everything. she even had to watch videos of ppl walking to relearn the motion. her story is incredible and im glad that lately ive been surrounded by people so resilient and filled with life, pure energy, and genuine smiles. it's beautiful to feed off of when you're exhausted.

wow, i feel myself slowly slipping into a coma...short nap then work work work!! also someone go see despicable me with me!!!!

"I am an aficionado of the kiss. No other act is so simple and so intimate. The light suction, the flick of the lip, the playful nibble, the deep advance and retreat of the tongue—a good kiss is like jazz, an improvisation of melodies, flirtatious staccatos, and passionate brassy crescendos. A good kiss is a rapport enacted physically, like sex, but more erotic."

now allow me to explain how i got to reading a "how to kiss well" article. it was a link on a despicable me article about relationships that i saw on ::drum roll:: my friend's facebook wall.

...ps hannah howell...i wish i could go to the john mayer concert with you! thanks for the offer...=]

also, if i were a polar bear, id be this one

also. i want a puppy. this one:


i'm ridin solo, ridin solo

made the first new mix of july =] (i was gunna put the songs up here but some of them are not on youtube =( ...so i stopped at the first song. im so persistent eh)

i have a lot to say....but too tired! goodnight!...im kinda anxious to go to bed. ive had horribly terrifying dreams lately....someone hold me and sing me to sleep!...cyn? you're a good singer, come sing me to sleep!!

ps. night swimming and aerobics is the best, especially with a blind roomate


wingardium leviosa

curse you four loko.

your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries

now go away or i will taunt you a second time


and then i suddenly felt the ground beneath my feet

oh hey. been a few days since my last post. i had a lot of things i mentally took note of to mention here. but of course, i have no earthly idea what they were...

i've been remarkably busy lately and it's nice to get a moment to breath and recuperate. i was so exhausted last week, keeping up with school is the main culprit in that. i feel so mentally drained after classes im surprised my brain hasnt all but turned into mush. maybe 2 classes and a lab isnt such a good idea...but im pretty sure the date to drop anything has passed already so im kinda stuck here. i dunno how i'll make it to august but it'll be worth it in the end im sure. the between stuff is just the hardest to both understand and tackle while you're stuck in it. and i just have to remember that. come august i WILL have A's in my classes and i WILL be ready to take the PCAT and GRE so help me God.

maybe it's the whole school exhaustion thing, or the people i am missing who have pieces of my heart in distant states, but i've been in an odd mood lately. it's like im goin and goin and goin, tryin to keep up a good pace and keep up with everything going on and it's... kind of a lifeless feeling honestly. so much happening and im sort of...just there. which is sad. and needs to change. for all my talk about really living each day of your life, im pretty much a hypocrite. i tell everyone to get as much as you can out of each day and yet i slip ever so easily into having each day pass me by without really cherishing the gift that is life. i forget to take moments and just...be. be happy, be breathing, be in the sun's warmth, be laughing... i spend too much time lost in troubled thoughts and brooding over things that shouldn't matter that much, things that pale in comparison to what my mind should be focusing on instead.

i remember a couple years ago, i just soaked everything in. took every solitary moment to reflect and meditate on the awesomeness that is life, love, and relationships...relationships with family, with friends, with God, with His creation, and even with acquaintances who happen to have the same downtime in the library. even the walks between classes were enough to rejuvenate me and have me smiling. and i let that aspect about how i live my life drift away. not intentionally of course. but here i am. acknowledging that i need change. that i need to bring back that part of me that brought me so much happiness. a happiness i have forgotten how to enjoy. to walk outside, and just take on life with a smile and an understanding that you only get one shot at this, and to not value every single thing about it is a horrible, horrible waste.

hmm...ive accidentally just poured out my heart to you. i was just planning on catching you up on my life events and events to come. but i guess my fingertips knew what i needed instead.

and now i only have one thing to add:

Wii dance is the best invention ever and ridiculous amounts of fun and you need to play it! it's also a lil bit of a workout. it's the secret to life: wii dance