

RIP, you shall be missed MJ

So not up to much...busy working lately....

but goin up to clemson friday! for a doctor's appointment, and some ridiculousness!!!... =D


who studies

supposed to be studying...

but im a little distracted

WTF is a sesame? it's a street!

(oops uploaded some pics the wrong size...and am too lazy to upload them again)

yesterday spent the afternoon in downtown =] with nanner and leah

nanner's chucks!

hit up >urban outfitters<...um LOVE that store. but dont have money to actually buy things....such a pity there were so many, er random things to be honest, that i wanted to buy! and look ate emma! i saw these and missssseeeed you!
i also passed a store later that afternoon that sold ugly dolls!

leah with a recycled rug she rather fancied. looks like shes bout to steal it.

but she DID inadvertently jack these feathers on a string from a store. but karma took a feather away. i wonder where it is...

and we checked out loose lucy's. pretty cool store!

then had some mexican food for lunch...yum...except for the triple fried beans?

and we went to teavana! one of my favorite places downtown...love their tea =] and savannah sitting under a tree this hot hot day (quite honestly surprised i didnt die of a heat stroke it was so friggin hot, heat index of above 100 degrees farenheit yo!)

and mental note to come back to this place...the name certainly catches my attention as an odd combination. but it looked like they had good food inside! and wine... also this reminds me, leah did you check out st george apartments yet?!?!

and walked around college of charleston campus. pretty. im taking organic chemistry there actually starting july...kinda excited. and bummed simultaneously cuz that means less time to chill and do absolutely nothing on a hot summer day. but i have morning classes. so...go to lab and class, hit up the library to be studious, then chill later in the day. general game plan. approve? and work here and there and go to the gym few days a week....i need more routine in my life. hopefully this month of july will help me with that. it will be an interesting test run...

then drove home to eat din din with the parentals

then came back to dt later for some hookah! rose flavored. i liked it.

leah's a bit of a creeper, no?

and >mitch hedberg<, you da man.


coffee, swings, and ice cream

after work yesterday, met up with leah and sally for some coffee and swings downtown...and a bit of leisurely jumping. it's good for the soul.

today, met up with sally for lunch at orlando's pizza. didnt know they serve alcohol now. so many things change when you're away at school. like the technological devices my parents get when im away. took me forever to figure out how to work the tv. lots of frustration was involved. a little bit of punching holes in the walls, but i got through it. i just dont like anything getting in the way of my ability to veg out.
we then hopped in sally's new car, dubbed lulu. smooth ride.

we drove by the chess set and daniel island dock then went over to leah's for more always sunny. i like to laugh at sally laughing at the show. then we went to publix to pick up some ice cream and saw that john was workin hard baggin them groceries. unfortunately when we left i accidentally called him joe. so close. just didnt make it to the "n." proceeded to a swing at the dock to eat the ice cream. "give into mint" by dove. and rocking dora the explorer paper bowls. stylin and profilin for sure.

yum =]


rain, rain, go away and stay away!

This morning was beautiful. I took a run in the sunshine while the birds sang.
and then it started monsooning outside. and i had to use Dad's van today. I felt like Noah and the ark.

I got SOAKED. and had to go to the grocery store for mom in such a state. froze my tush off!

i just want suuunshiiiine! but hey lookie here! its gunna be sunny all day friday! beeaaach anyone? i dont work! (unfortunately i work all of next week 7 days in a row. woopdidoo. that means i wont be able to go to clemson to party it up for tay jay's bday! sadness! and i wont get to be reunited with my entourage! was cinco de mayo really the last time we threw down together? that's unnacceptable)

so this morning i took a stroll down memory lane. the stroll lasted about 2 hours. check out what i uncovered in my archeological adventure:

old school gameboy! thats a piece of history right thurrr. and i also came across

pictures from back in the day! kuya mike i think thats you and me at the top right there. i'll have to upload these to facebook someday. and yep, that's smash up top! nom nom nom. speaking of smash, i am determined to make my own!! today i let leah try some.

went over to her hizouse to watch me a little it's always sunny in Philadelphia. seems like a funny show so far. and we had a tea party.

and look how cute charlie is =]

on the way home i had an epic battle with a mosquito. since it was raining cats and dogs and elephants outside i couldnt simply open the window to usher it out. i had to try to kill it cuz it kept buzzing around my head. i prolly looked like i was going crazy to any cars beside me, kinda like when you walk into a spiderweb and start flailing about but from a distance it just looks like you are causing yourself unreasonable bodily harm.

oh and this morning i finally got some me and guitar time =D how i have missed it these past few weeks.

now im off to try and be studious. it will be a vain attempt no doubt.
boo, between work and this online class i won't be able to hit up downtown much. aw well, gotta do what ya gotta do. and right now, i gotta pee.