
take a listen

"Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No, it won't all go the way, it should
But I know the heart of life is good"--John Mayer



i likee cheese wontons

please click >HERE< for a very important and educational video. everyone needs to watch this. it is relevant to life.

okee....so once again, been a few days since my last update...here's a bit of a recap of what i've been up to.

i've spent a lot of time with two huge slobbery dogs.

and tink (tinkerbell)

i've bought donuts...can you tell strawberry frosting is my favorite?

i've called leah a gimp cuz she twisted her ankle and limped around her beach house...i also indirectly made her walk me to my car in such a state. oops. im such an awesome friend.

i've witnessed what happens when a crazy dance party meets play horsie.

i've discovered this book at urban outfitters that i think is important to have a copy of...i didn't actually buy it though.

i've hung out with tay jax

and ellen and katie

i've been made fun of and shunned. always the best

we've eaten and people watched downtown

i love that picture.

we've also laid out business plans for an awesome place called "Half and Half"...it will go global. universal even. it'll be a place to study and get coffee on one floor. and a dance club/bar/concert venue on another floor. and hookah on the balcony.

and you can buy crack from taylor. =P

it will be the shiznit. and we will buy pluto and make it a planet again. these plans are very real folks. look for a "Half and Half" near you!

score. i am for once at the top of this list. mission accomplished.

it shouldnt be this hard

I toss to the night wind my hesitation,
Just to find the wind suddenly change direction.
I’m struggling to figure out if what I want is really you,
Or just the seemingly perfect idea of you.
Shouldn’t the thought of you stir in me more emotion?
Rather than this unceasing frustration and lack of devotion…
Shouldn’t our chemistry float more on the side of effortless?
Instead I find my feelings and expectations in an increasingly complex mess…
And when our eyes meet where is that sense of deepened connection?
When we touch, I cease to feel anything, not even tension or a hint of our former passion.
Wanting to be with you, to feel you near, should come easily,
Just as my desire to share moment upon moment with you should come a lot more naturally.
You’re the one you see…
For some lucky girl…but I don’t quite know yet…if that girl is me.


woke up to the sun shining

woke up this mornin to Get Right Back by Army Navy. in fact here's a view of my recently played itunes playlist:

in the afternoon me and mom went to Cypress Gardens which i had no idea wasnt too far from our house, pretty peaceful and pretty place =]

we ate our lunch there.

then walked around before a boat tour... mom showed me this garden where there are butterflies flying all around.

i saw this sign on the way in.

what better way is there to make me do something? by telling me NOT to do it

hundreds of butterflies flying all around...

and some fish

thanks mr smith for the beautiful koi. and there were a lot of flowers...

then we went to the swamparium...whats up

and this guy was a pretty big fella:

haha uh no...i wont be tapping on the glass, thanks, some parseltongue may trap me.

hehe no harrassing the alligators now

then off to the boat tour...mom wouldnt let us do a self guided one...she didnt think we could handle paddling ourselves around. i beg to differ.

very enjoyable ride =]

and this pillar is a prop left over from The Patriot with Mel Gibson, likewise this bridge

i didnt know a lot of movies were filmed here, like Cold Mountain and The Notebook.

this is the place where he launched the boat and all the swans came around the boat.

The director wanted to leave the boat they used to the gardens but when they shot the end of the scene in johns island, someone snuck onto the set and stole the boat. so the director had a boat built just liked it to donate. Cypress Gardens reserves the boat to taking brides out only though.

and that is how my afternoon went...dinner time then study time. for more pics of the gardens look on my facebook...if you're friends with me on facebook that is. hope you are, if not, you're missing out!



ever craved chocolate milk in the morning? yummm (i havent bought chocolate milk since i was like 7 but it was just calling my name, trapped behind the glass in walmart...take me with you it said...i happily obliged to take it home with me...and DEVOUR it muahaha) ahem so...

there are two trees right outside a window of that house leah is house sitting for that look alarmingly like dementors at night...so before i go back there i should work on my patronus charm. i took a quiz last night to see what shape my patronus would be...apparently it would be a wolf... there are some interesting animal choices.

personally i dont want a hedgehog to pop out.

so today after some hardcore studying, decided to release my cousin out into the public for a little while. picked him up and promptly stole his camera.

he told me it was fine as long as i didnt run off and take pictures of stupid things, like the grass. so what do i do?

take pictures of the grass of course.

man i want a nice nikon...

need money!!
so on the way to the converse store we passed the airport

back to oslo?!?!?!

we were supposed to find some sort of magnet thing john's mom wanted but it was out of stock but i did find some teapots i was interested in.

then hit up the chuck store...got some white hightops on sale! woot

hm, i look a bit like a jonas brother today...

while john went to try on shoes i stole his camera again

argh, perhaps i'll sell a guitar and amp to get money for a camera...not. where can i find about $700???

so me and john left converse with new kicks...yay

then saw a sign for funnel cakes right outside my neighborhood at a place called philly cheesesteak.

reminds me of the fair...speaking of which, we got into a discussion about how everyone says the fair isnt coming back....someone please tell me if this is true or not!! i love the fair!!

and of course we see this sign on the way back...ps you have no idea what i did so cousin john could get this picture hehe

well folks, that's it for today. im wanting the weather to cooperate so i can hit up the beach!! only a few weeks left til im 3.5 hours away from it! well, i guess lake hartwell will suffice...

nighty night, off to search ebay for things i have no money to buy...