
you found me

this mornin i drove mel over to drop off some stuff for her sick sister. while i waited in the car i saw a family, clad in orange and purple, drive up and get out holding gift bags, a cake, and happy birthday balloons. and i became homesick. i realized that i miss home more than i thought. and as much as i try to fight back the feeling that i really have no idea what's going on in my life or where i'm going, it finds me in every silent moment, every good chorus, every ray of the sun. but home, it's the one sure place i can go...

madea and the bible


and then you went into taco bell without pants...and surprisingly you weren't the only one there without pants

btw attention readers, all 5 of you (i know last time i had 2.5 readers, we're movin on up! i got two more readers! and the remaining limbs of the .5 person....)
it is now illegal to text and drive within the city limits of clemson. this includes smart phones (like checking twitter, facebook, etc)thank you, that is all. don't get caught.

me and alex studying psychology:
alex: "this is all going in one brain and out the back of my head"

right. what???


work work work

and music music music... (and i dunno why all of a sudden these dimensions are working out...)

and mix it up a lil

me:"i should just realize that i am not going to accomplish anything in the realm of studying tonight"
melanie: "i just realized i might as well have a beer"

we're being super productive tonight folks...::no we're not::

and i tried to upload a video to youtube from mel's laptop but it FAILED haha

so i thought i had deleted all my other videos from my youtube but somehow this one still made the cut! aw leah remember this from freshmen year and i couldnt come see you?...except i forgot to take care of copy rights so you cant view it in the US! apparently you can only view it in germany bahaha

aww and remember our charleston fair trip rachel, jessi, mel, and lana? i love how i didnt wanna do hmwk one night so i just did this for like 30 min

nsync, backstreet boys,....

spice girls...

it's always fun to jam out to them =]

thank you to melanie, anna, and emilie carol for those special moments this weekend haha

i particularly enjoyed our little dance party right in the middle of the gardens this afternoon! should have totally filmed them...

also, apparently i have a wife...um...honey? whoever you are, i'd sure like to meet you sometime

ps i cant wait for clash of the titans to come out!!!! and i love the song in the trailer from the used, rather the instrumental....


the T finally fell off...or was ripped off

we run a fine establishment here.

are you crushing my head? AHHHHH

i MUST post the videos we got on melanie's laptop...you will roll on the floor laughing...roll right off your balcony.


my roomie and i...

crack aaron up.

we also raided the easter candy isle of rite aid....and they had....TROPICAL STARBURSTS!! we've waited two years to happen upon them! last year no one had em! not walmart or anything! so naturally we bought like 5 bags. pretty much cleaned em out.

and apparently someone the other day said "i heard a rumor that ya'll have cadburry eggs in already"

it's funny how we get about our favorite easter calories.

also, i would just like to say that i love my small group leaders and clarkin...we went over Titus today and everyone had so much to pour into each other. if you haven't read Titus lately, go do it! =]

"i want to name a kid Titus"- clarkin

(917):we drove through mcdonalds and ordered everything on the dollar menu. We told the workers that were making Super Size Me 2, drove away without paying and told them to bill our producer.


watched shutter island last night.
first thing to tell you: the beauty of eating a fruit cup in a dark theater is that each bite is a delectable surprise!!!

but also....it's a good movie! and i wanna see it again! and amstar has $5 tuesdays!! so...who's game for shutter island next tuesday?!?! i have to see it again...

and no my roomate and i did not sleep in the same bed cuz the scene of a bloody, dead child opening her eyes is not at all horrifying to us... haha

i have to admit i had a weird nightmare last night and def woke up in the middle of the night and was relieved to have melanie right beside me. it was a weird nightmare because it was just like the movie! the good news is that i did not crap the bed. hooray irene!

well time for some laundry then....raquetball with katie keith!!!! whooo if only i was this excited about school...

oh right, just heard my roomie start her laundry....cant win em all....suppose i'll go play with legos


i could be staring at you....

and you'd never know. so forgive me for all my stolen glances =]


and the victory was mine

i stepped out of the car. stood facing the mailbox. cracked my knuckles. then my neck.

a solitary tumbleweed blew across the ground as i took off my sunglasses and threw a cold, icy glare at mailbox number 806. you are mine.

after a little twist of the key, the box opened...and the package growled at me. the package that previously slapped me in the face and would not budge as i tried to yank it out of the mailbox.

curse the mailman.

swear he set up a camera somewhere just to watch me fail at taking the package out. sadistic i know.

first i had to cover my bases. so i called lana and asked permission to beat the box into a pulp as i tried to take it out. of course i took out its contents first.

and you know what was in it?

a small shirt. a frickin shirt. that could have been put in a baggy or something! not the box it merrily came in!!!!

i placed the shirt gently on top of a magazine on the ground then turned back to the damn box. i roared and gave a ferocious tug.

no use.

i pulled and pulled and pulled to no avail.

so then i gave it a hai-ya! and bent the front part.


i wrestled the box half way out but the end put up quite a fight. i was frustrated, exhausted, and people were staring.

and then i gave it a tug to end all tugs.

the box fell to the concrete, battered and torn. i lifted my foot and gave it a firm and swift stomp.

"nothin to see here folks," i assured the confused bystanders as i gathered the remaining mail and walked away.

yup...just another day in the life of irene nicole vc mortera. try to pretend you're not jealous.



how in the world did the mail man get this in our mailbox when i can't for the life of me get it out?!?!?! lana. it's for you, i didn't wanna beat your mail up so i left it in there...

ps folks, don't forget, life is beautiful

i left my heart in wilmington

and pictures are up on facebook of the beautiful city...

BUT, i dont have these on my camera....first a trip down memory lane
we found peyton's house....and remember that fight between p sawyer and b davis?

 now off to watch one tree hill with p sawyer!!!

peace- QUiNN....why is this all underlined?....stupid safari...and stupid mozilla for crashing...


let's go! let's go! let's go!!!!!

and let's go evan lysacek!!!

o the depravity of man

as i cough up a lung and emit a plaintive cry:

melanie: " you sound horrible you need to stop talking...you were supposed to provide comic relief on this trip and how are you going to do that when you can't talk?!"


"here are some cough drops. dont eat too many, you'll get high"
::shoves bag into mouth::

leaving for wilmington in the morning. and so far we're lookin good. melanie's recovering from sickness, i am descending into worse and worse stages of sickness, and anna is...having girl problems. hopefully amber is fully healthy haha.

we're supposed to leave at 4 AM...but we'll discuss that further.

well i must go, staring at a computer screen is making my head want to do nothing short of explode.


"What if you
Could hear this song
What if I
Felt like I belong

I might not be leaving
Oh so soon
Began the night believing
I loved you in the moonlight."


dear cold weather, kindly cease to exist.

the skies are clear and it's a starry night.

come lay under them with me.

sometimes im kind of a nutcase...

after staring at me sing lion king songs as i stared at my italian sample platter at olive garden:

lana-"irene i'd love to know what it's like to be in your head"

clarkin- "it's a scary place, you need a big flashlight. and a life line."

lana (after a thats what she said joke) - "actually irene i think id need blindfolds and ear plugs"

melanie- "and a hallucinogen. o wait, that's provided"


scarlet takes a tumble

make sure you listen to her flail around at the end too


in the name of the burger,

of the fries, and of the tea, i baptize the bathroom....

this afternoon (after watching Anastasia for o you know the 4th time in the past 48 hours) with katie keith, my biffle who i almost accidentally caused to wreck because i wrote on her side mirror (spoo), i went to the russel stover outlet with melissa! all the vday things are 50% off!!!

don't mind if i do! i will surprise myself!

"it's 69 cents, i have to get one" -lissa

"let's evaluate the situation. we are single. we just bought valentine's candy for ourselves. at half off."- melissa

2.49! that truffle better be orgasmic. (i didnt get one, i will never know)

and i got a velvet giraffe print candy box for lana and a box that sings some God awful country song for melanie. all at half off. bow chicka what what!

then went to fudruckers...whoooo i could feel my arteries clogging as i took each bite.
well, must go do work...my throat hurts! =/ im gunna blame katie keith.

i'm excited to go to wilmington. we are apparently leaving at 4AM friday morning. phwoar. i will be passed out in the back of the car fo sho. i also plan on filming snippets of our journey. and i shall put it up here for your viewing pleasure. get excited. 4 crazy people in a car for 5 hours. greatness is bound to happen.

also....if you hear disney/swan princess/anastasia songs coming out of my wesc headphones tomorrow on campus....feel free to sing along =]

whoa my calorie intake lately has been ridiculously. good thing lent's comin up, my abused body needs to detox...but im very unprepared to fast. yikes!!! so here are some things im giving up for lent, if u see me with them, give me hell. and throw things. preferibly soft things.
  • blue moon
  • sweet tea
  • soda
  • jr bacon cheeseburgers
  • class attendance.....what? jk....
well must be off, i got people to do and food to go, i mean things to do and places to go.

ciao ciao


blew off the dust

from lana's keyboard and learned how to play this:

pretty easy! =D off to learn other songs!

and it's my goal to learn this by the end of the semester! fat chance right? haha i wish i had longer fingers, im finding it quite hard!


always packing. my dreams lately have had a recurring theme. i'm packing, and i'm trying to get somewhere. always trying to travel somewhere. and usually halfway through my journey, someone starts chasing me. and i wake up wondering where i am going. not so much concerned about who's chasing me, they havent gotten me yet. i just wanna know where my subconscious is trying to take me.

well, happy valentine's day everyone! celebrate love, celebrate life, celebrate each other.

and i will do just that....via cleaning and doing homework haha. big things, big things.

oh and listening to 60s classics i think. only cause i just watched some commercial for a classic hits cd. good thing i am poor. cuz that cd wouldve been as good as mine. do i need it? H no.

ok folks, i do believe human development is calling my name. it's waiting for me on my bed. as are a box of goldfish. don't tell me my valentine's day isnt exciting! haha

(5 minutes later i turn on the tv =P )


but why are the desserts always gone?...oh, that's why

take a look at our beat up cake, our i am single cake....but it's mint flavored! so...sorta makes up for it. haha...we had to go out for more desserts because...

we finished the eclairs!

i'm pretty sure i've gained about 100 pounds over the last 24 hours. no big.

we also went to blockbuster. by the way family movies are only 99 cents to rent! but why in the world was EVERYBODY at blockbuster and bilo? and we saw some guy wheel like 50 valentine's day balloons out to his car. me and melissa frantically searched for darts but alas it's not our concealed weapon of choice.

sooo yes, another movie night it is! i convinced melissa to stay one more night haha. her parents are coming to get her in the early morning to steal her away for vday. they are going to el vaginador. i mean el jimador. which i hear is actually pretty good? i should hit it up sometime, ive got a coupon for there. which is naturally my justification to going there to eat to my heart's content.


nom nom nom

went sledding with melissa at kite hill!!! twas fun! some guys had snowboards out there! and of course there were drunk guys who were funny to watch. i didn't bring the camera out there though because i thought id slip and drop my camera into the snow....and i of course did slip a few times cuz...its me.

and now we are piggin out and wachin movies!

so far i have had pizza, about 3 cans of cheerwine, some andre, banana pudding, chocolate, and there are eclairs in the fridge....gym tmrw?

allll by myselllfff dont wanna be!

bout to play in the snow by myself. haha

whoever's at the reserve come play with meeeee!

it's snowing

i'm sittin inside my apartment with the lights off watching the snow fall and listening to the Dear John soundtrack. It seems like a perfect match to me. i may light a christmas cookie candle and drink some bubbly. or maybe hot chocolate. hello valentine's day weekend....yea you know what i am going to go do that right now...

right, now that that's settled. i took some pictures of the initial snow fall...it has since gotten a lot thicker =] (dont even dare a thats what she said) i'll put the others on facebook.

wish i were on campus...i bet it's real pretty seeing snow cover everything. i'd love to get a shot from riggs looking at tillman along that pathway with the trees.

and look! my parents sent me a valentine's day card!! i miss them.

been in an odd sentimental...slightly nostalgic mood lately. can't really seem to shake it either. just sort of creeps up through the course of my day. i mean, it's not like it's a bad thing necessarily i suppose? it's just not my normal mood. not quite sure what to do with it. ::shrugs::

o yea vancouver! its feb 12th! hooray winter olympics....well off to do work. lots of things to do for english that i didnt realize. and anatomy test next thursday....but wilmington right after that!

if anyone's in town and wants to do anything tomorrow hit me up! or come snuggle with me at the reserve =] till next time everyone.



north face jacket?

so my aunt last year sent me a north face for my bday....except i never (as in have not stepped outside in it ever) wear it because though it is a youth extra large...it's kinda big on me. makes me feel like a marshmellow....so anyone interested in taking it off my hands? i feel bad that it just sits in my closet.

and thanks again clarkin for cooking dinner the other night!!! was delicious! me and melanie lurrrved it

well, bedtime. been real tired lately. mi corazon has been acting up =/
good thing i have absolutely nothing to accomplish till next thursday. a week of nothing. YESSS...well, i'll prolly start getting ahead before then


physics exam

on the morning of February 9th, at 9:30 AM, we had our first physics exam.

here's a look at how a text convo went right after it

me-well that was lovely
meredith- miserable!
meredith- especially the beginning
me- yes, the beginning had me with a deer and headlights look
meredith- yea...well damn. when do you have a break..lets compare
me-i'm done at 3:15
meredith-ok call me when u r done...or come over lol
me-haha i may preopen my vday andre bottle upon looking at that test again. you're welcome to judge me in person
meredith- hahaha nice! and no i think that's a valid response...wash away our sorrows and gpa lol
me- i knew i liked you. great minds think alike
meredith- theres nothin like a lil sex [class] to lift your spirits...here goes lol
me-hahaha get you some

eeeck. scared to know what i got on this forsaken exam.
well, must get back to english...but im excited to have clarkin cook for us tonight!!!

also, this text from last night is from the 843, and it says "punny"
i very well could have sent it

(803): so you had a one ended conversation with the toilet las night in between barfs. you kept telling the toilet how strong it was because its gone through a lot of shit in its life.

(843): drunk me is so punny.

way to go sherlock.

cooper's pretty empty at 6 in the morning.

study break

so melanie got grubbs' cd from one tree hill. the album is called "almost everything i wish i said the last time i saw you". and his band is called Wakey Wakey. naturally i have listened to it as well.

and i really like a few of his songs. and he's got some good lyrics. you should check out his new cd.

"i remember when you lost your head
sometimes i wonder how you stay so sad
when you're so beautiful
i remember every word you said
how you were scared because you'd never been
somewhere so beautiful

so tell me why we're talking when we dance so good
tell me why we're talking when we dance so good
i know you can't stay
but i wish you would, i wish you would

now you tell me that you're on the mend
sometimes i wonder how you don't go mad
when you're so beautiful." --wish you would/dance so good--Wakey Wakey


happee mondee

look who came over for one tree hill!
anna henderson! in her OTH made garb...anything you wanna tell us?...
(katie keith, if i could tag these pictures, i would tag that one of you, mary.)

and look who the cat dragged in
where have you been all my life?
oh right, getting your shirt signed by motion city soundtrack

and this folks is NOT how to start studying for a physics test in the morn'


so...one tree hill's episode tonight rather spoke to me....the conversation haley has with her mom when her mom told her she has cancer...is pretty much verbatim the exact conversation i had with my mom once upon a time...

well anyways...physics test tomorrow morning. ::gulp:: must be off to embark on a riveting journey of studying. can't wait to be done with it. looking forward to my TTH walk with katie keith =] highlight of my day.

first, a moment to close my eyes and feel the music...as melanie is doing here
want to know a secret? a ladybug pooped on her head while i took this picture =P

"Miranda: You don’t want to make a record because it’s too personal?
Grubbs: That’s right.
Miranda: People like personal. Personal sells records and wins Grammys. Personal gives people the words they’re too afraid to say. So when you’re ready to man up, come and make a record with me."--OTH